No single entity, organization, or agency can solve the climate crisis, but EPIC is designed to bring us all together and mobilize citizens from all corners of the world to become better guardians of the planet and its people.

"Climate change" needs

PUBLIC Consciousness

across every community on earth.


EPIC is a media and communications ecosystem that will move the public from climate inaction to action across every community on Earth for the good of humanity and the planet.

By convening a cross-sector of stakeholders, building a comprehensive media coalition, and utilizing world-class communications expertise across global, regional, and community channels, EPIC will bring to bear a version of our future which is realistic in its depiction and optimistic in its vision.

From science to action

The core function of EPIC is to act as the “sense-maker” - a lens through which the science of climate change and biodiveristy loss is made relevant, emotional, and current for the public.

Meet people
where they are

Disciplined audience profiles allow for messages that are purpose-built to deliver “what climate change means for you.” The demographics of audiences and their geographies will play a crucial role in how messages are received and the actions that individuals can take, and so EPIC must ensure that it is speaking to the right people in the right place at the right time.

Diverse collaboration

The strength of EPIC is in the “collaborative” of the Expert Council, Executors, and Channels. EPIC is the orchestrator of this symphony of communication, ensuring that messages are rooted in science, rigorously validated, have access to the best creative talent, and are distributed through prime channels.

Building a picture of a world that’s possible

Fear can be overwhelming, it can paralyze action at scale, and so EPIC will also introduce a new tactic to its strategy - showing what our world could be if we all act together to combat the climate crisis. Messages will be realistic, allowing for the understanding that at this point we must adapt to an already changing climate, but also optimistic and threaded with hope, showing scenarios in which we can find the balance - the symbiosis - between humans and the finite resources of our planet.


“A lot of communication about climate change gets it right about the risk and possible negative scenarios, but wrong about how we move people to action. It appeals to reason, but everything we know about communication tells us reason  is not what drives human behavior. It is vital we overcome this challenge and find ways to not only communicate the science,  but mobilize public support for action and solutions.”

A New Era in Climate Communications

A collaborative effort spanning +60 contributors and organizations developed by the New Zero World in partnership and with the support of the Global Commons Alliance, this digital hub brings provides and in-depth look at using science and creativity to re-imagine and rework how we communicate about the climate crisis.




Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) is Earth HQ and EPIC’s fiscal sponsor and provides administrative services to the organization